DLD Munich 2023
January 12 – 14, 2023 ‧ House of Communication

Good or Evil? How AI Is Transforming Life, Work and Society

Climate Action: How Smart Farming Can Cool the Planet Down
DLD23 Highlight Reel
Pivot Live: Scott & Kara Take Munich
Aenne Burda Award for Creative Leadership
Brighten the Future by Miracle of Heritage
“The pace of change is so fast that we cannot ever think we’re going to win the game by playing defense. We need to play offense, and we need to make sure that we embrace innovation.”
“Can we please redefine growth? Because growth how? Growth what? Growth for whom?”
“We need to reduce the energy we use, we need to share energy. So what we do at E.ON is we reuse waste energy wherever we can.”
“Quantum technologies have left the research lab. They have arrived in industrial applications. Quantum is now!”
“Life and livelihoods are what we measure as human progress. That’s largely driven by innovation – and DLD is all about innovation.”
“The rise of China hasn’t hurt the U.S. It’s hurt Europe. We still have as many unicorns. China’s rise has really come at the expense of Europe.”
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics

Ethical AI?!

Challenges of Generative AI

Will Machines Think?

Quantum, AI & Health
Society, Politics & Business

Trust in Tech

5 Things We Didn’t Learn from the Pandemic – But Should Have

Technology in the Service of Humanity

Power Couples: Love & Impact
Sustainability & Climate Change

Climate Solutions Under Our Feet

Perspectives on Biodiversity

Thinking the Economy from the Soil Up

The Sound of Life
Startups, Innovation & Investing

African Leapfrogging

View on the Middle East

Unicorn Tracking: A New World Map

The Evolution of the Nigerian Tech Ecosystem
Frontier Technologies

Impact of Web3

Virtual Society

Unlocking the Metaverse

How DNA Origami Disrupts Medicine and Becomes the Cornerstone of Nano Robotics
Space & Mobility

The Earth Data Revolution

Ready for Takeoff: The Transition to Net-Zero Aviation

This Way to the Universe

Space for the Planet
Arts, Media & Culture

Freedom of the Press

Museums Beyond NOW

How Cultural Ecosystems Empower Cities for Global Competition

Spreading Creativity
Digital Transformation

World After Capital

The EU-US Tech Gap

The Magic of the Baltics

Cornerstones for a Successful Europe
For backstage interviews and more DLD Munich 2023 videos please visit our YouTube channel.