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Munich mayor Katrin Habenschaden speaks at DLD Circular 2023 in front of a colorful background
In her DLD Circular 23 welcome speech, the mayor of Munich, Katrin Habenschaden, emphasizes the importance of transitioning to a more sustainable economy. The world faces an urgent challenge from climate change, she notes, and cities will play a key role in...
Vlad Ciurca (Techsylvania), Irina Obushtarova (The Recursive), Patrick Warnking (Google) and Kai Isand, (Latidude59) on stage at the DLD Munich Conference 2024.
Many see Central and Eastern Europe as the next frontier of European innovation, as you’ll hear in this DLD24 panel discussion that focuses on a fast-growing region that stretches from Baltic states like Estonia and Lithuania to the Balkans. In conversation with...
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