DLD Video

Snowflake, Dageville, data analytics, video, explainer, Teichmann, Burda, investing


Christian Teichmann

Burda Principal Investments
Christian Teichmann, Burda Principle Investments

Christian Teichmann joined Burda in 2015 and is CEO and Managing Director of Burda Principal Investments. Previously he was a Partner at Solon Management Consulting. He holds degrees in economics from Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid and ESB Reutlingen and is a Harvard Business School alumn. 

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Benoit Dageville

Benoit Dageville, Snowflake, DLD

Benoit co-founded the data analytics company Snowflake and is a leading expert in parallel execution and self-tuning database systems. Prior to founding Snowflake, Benoit was with Oracle for over 10 years. He has a PhD in Computer Science with a focus in Parallel Database Systems and is a named inventor on more than 80 patents.

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ULUU founders Michael Kingsbury and Julia Reisser discuss their plant-based plastic alternative with Christian Teichmann, Burda Principal Investments

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Plastic pollution is one of the biggest ecological problems globally, in urgent need of a solution. Millions of tons are simply discarded, and currently “plastic accounts for 85 per cent of all marine litter”, according…
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Healthcare and AI

Artificial intelligence will likely play a crucial role in shaping the future of medicine. Renowned venture investor Jim Breyer explores the many possibilities of this promising technology in conversation with Burda Media CEO…
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