DLD Video

data, AI, artificial intelligence, Snowflake, Cresta, Zayd Enam, Jennifer Belissent, Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi, DLD, video, panel, discussion


Zayd Enam

Zayd Enam, Cresta

Zayd Enam is the CEO & Co-founder of Cresta, the leading expertise AI provider for customer conversations. Cresta is backed by Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Greylock Partners, Porsche Ventures, Andreas Bechtolsheim, and the Founder of Google X. Enam’s thesis during his PhD study at Stanford University formed the basis for Cresta.

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Jennifer Belissent

Jennifer Belissent

Jennifer Belissent is a Principal Data Strategist at Snowflake. Previously, Jennifer worked for 12 years at Forrester Research as an internationally recognized expert in data leadership and literacy. Jennifer is widely published and a frequent speaker at business, academic and government events.

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Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi

Tudor Investment Corporation
Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi, Tudor Investments

Dr. Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi is a Senior Portfolio Manager and Partner at Tudor Investment Corporation where she oversees a global equity portfolio inside Tudor’s flagship fund. She serves as a member of the Advisory Board of NYC FIRST, a global youth-serving robotics community, and recently joined the Advisory Board of Portfolios with Purpose.

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