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video, argodesign founder Mark Rolston explains his vision of the metaverse at DLD Munich 2022
Is the metaverse “where it’s all going?” Designer Mark Rolston, a pioneer of the digital transformation, hears this question a lot. Many of his customers want to know, and in his brief but insightful DLD Munich talk, the founder of argodesign gives...
Nicole Diekmann, Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNFPA, and Katja Wildermuth discuss ending online violence with moderator Tanit Koch
Hate speech and violence against women on the Internet are a global problem that needs urgent attention, as this panel discussion with Natalia Kanem (United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA), Nicole Diekmann (Author & Journalist), Katja Wildermuth (Bayerischer Rundfunk) and moderator Tanit Koch...
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