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Artificial intelligence experts Richard Socher, Michele Ruiz, John Clippinger, JP Rangaswami, Björn Ommer and John Thornhill speak at the DLD Munich Conference 2023
The rise of generative AI systems like ChatGPT and DALL-E has raised both excitement and concerns over the capabilities of artificial intelligence in general. How good, how reliable are these systems really? Can they truly rival humans when performing work-related tasks? Do...
Panelists on stage at the DLD AI Summit 2023, from left to right: David Kirkpatrick (Techonomy), Manon Sarah Littek (Green Generation Fund), Markus Löffler (Palantir Technologies), Bernhard Kowatsch (UN World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator) and Odin Mühlenbein (Ashoka AI Lab).
This DLD session is all about the benefits that AI can bring to the world. The panel brings together experts from business, investing and the United Nations, featuring Manon Littek (Green Generation Fund); Bernhard Kowatsch (United Nations World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator);...
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