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video, Heike Freund, Marvel Fusion, Philipp Furler, Synhelion, Rafael Laguna de la Vera, SPRIND, Ann Mettler, Breakthrough Energy discuss clean tech solutions with Jennifer Schenker, The Innovator
Keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius is an enormous task. In this DLD Munich session, Ann Mettler (Breaktrough Energy), Philipp Furler (Synhelion), Heike Freund (Marvel Fusion) and Rafael Laguna de la Vera (German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation SPRIND) discuss ways...
Occhio founder Axel Meise and DLD co-founder Steffi Czerny in conversation at the DLD Munich Conference 2023
Light has played a significant role in human culture and society for centuries, starting with fire and candles as a way to brighten the night. Today, light is also a design element that can enhance the aesthetics of a space and create...
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