DLD Munich 2022



Future Cities: The Intersection of the Natural And the Artificial

architect Carlo Ratti, MIT, and Andrian Kreye, Süddeutsche Zeitung, discuss the future of cities and urban design at DLD Munich 2022
The corona pandemic has been a unique experiment to test the value of social networks and in-person meetings. In this DLD22 discussion, architect and MIT researcher Carlo Ratti and journalist Andrian Kreye (Süddeutsche…
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The Future of Well-Being

DLD Munich panel discussion about mindfulness and wellbeing
Well-being, both mental and physical, are the most precious qualities in life we have. Because if you’re not well, it doesn’t matter whether you get a promition, create the next unicorn or even…
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Eradicating Greeenwashing

Kristian Rönn, CEO of Normative, and Technonomy founder David Kirkpatrick discuss corporate greenwashing at DLD Munich 2022
Getting to net zero ranks high on the agenda of many corporate leaders. But first, companies need to measure their carbon footprint accurately – and buying carbon offsets typically is not enough, as…
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Africa Is Building Tech for the Real Economy

Investment opportunities in Africa: DLD expert panel with Faoutmata Ba, Janngo, Stéphan-Éloïse Gras, Digital Africa, and Khaled Ben Jilani, AfricInvest
Long neglected by investors, Africa is quickly catching up in the race for digital transformation. This expert panel discussion with Fatoumata Bâ (Janngo Capital), Stéphan-Éloïse Gras (Digital Africa) and Khaled Ben Jilani (AfricInvest)…
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Disrupting Education

Disrupting education: panel discussion with Fabiana Bertram, Level Ex, Michael John Gorman, Biotopia, Felix Ohswald, GoStudent, Bettina Stark-Watzinger, German Federal Minister for Education & Research, and Jeanne Rubner, Technical University Munich (TUM)
It’s a challenge for schools, universities and professional education to keep up with the demands of rapid change, in technology, business and society. This DLD Munich session asks how the state and the…
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Building Tech for Female Health

Audrey Tsang, Clue, and Kimon Angelides, Femtec Health, discuss female health and technology at DLD Munich
Communities and countries are only as strong as the health of their women. This insight from Michelle Obama sets the tone for the fireside chat between Audrey Tsang from Clue and Kimon Angelides…
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Changing Education Patterns

Bettina Stark-Watzinger, German Federal Minister of Education and Research, gives a talk about education in the digital age at DLD Munich
The digital revolution has created a need for different skills – and also different ways to acquire them. In this DLD talk, German Federal Minister of Education and Research, Bettina Stark-Watzinger, takes a…
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What Needs to Change in Education: An Entrepreneur’s View

Brainlab founder Stefan Vilsmeier explains how business can use video game and virtualization tools for education
Why would a medical company get into video gaming? Simple: Virtual environments give doctors a chance to practice and acquire new skills in entirely new ways, as Brainlab founder Stefan Vilsmeier illustrates in…
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Psychedelics Coming To the Workplace

Anne Philippi, The New Health Club, Keith Ferrazzi, Ferrazzi Greenlight, and Demian Bellumio, Nue Life Health, discuss health benefits of psychedelics at DLD Munich
Studies show that psychedelics can have mental health benefits for people dealing with issues like depression, traumas and anxiety when taken in small and controlled doses. In this DLD Munich session, Anne Philippi…
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The Urgent Invisible

Elizabeth Caley and Kevin Slavin of Poppy discuss airborne pathogen detection with Ari Gesher, Kairos Aerospace
Technology can help detect normally invisible dangers to humans and the planet. Health startup Poppy has developed a system that identifies bacteria and viruses that surround us in offices or homes. Kairos Aerospace,…
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No One Is An Island

Art group Random International speaks at DLD Munich 2022
Artist duo Random International illustrates how humans are influenced by living with machines – and then decides to create a human algorithm, with the help of DLD attendees. “We want you to experience…
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Things That A Human Brain Has A Hard Time Thinking About

Moran Cerf, NYU Stern School of Business, gives a talk about psychology and human attention at DLD Munich
Humans may think they’re excellent decision makers but how good are we really at evaluating risk and coming to the right conclusion? In this DLD talk, neurologist Moran Cerf shows that the human…
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