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DLD Munich panel discussion about geopolitics with Wolfgang Ischinger, Jeffrey Rosen, Roberto Viola, Ann-Kristin Achleitner
Geopolitics and economics are deeply intertwined. In this talk, experts from both sides discuss how companies can navigate the current global geopolitical situation. “Geopolitics is back”, Ann-Kristin Achleitner notes at the outset of this expert panel discussion. “And this is not only…
Melanie Maas-Brunner (BASF), Ilka Horstmeier (BMW Group) and Solveigh Hieronimus, (McKinsey & Company) discuss sustainability in business at the DLD Circular 2023 conference in Munich
What will it take to transform industries, the engines of European wealth creation, for the age of sustainability and a circular economy? That’s the key question at the core of this engaging expert discussion between Ilka Horstmeier (BMW Group), Melanie Maas-Brunner (BASF)…
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