DLD All Stars



The New Deal for Innovation

Mariya Gabriel, Hans Ulrich Obrist, DLD All Stars
With its New European Bauhaus initiative the EU Commission aims to bring together innovators from different backgrounds to develop creative solutions for a better tomorrow. “In one sentence, it’s a cultural, environmental and…
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Universal Basic Income

UBI, Universal Basic Income, expert panel, Alber Wenger, Laura Brämswig
Handing out money to all citizens, no questions asked, so that everyone can pay the rent and no one needs to worry about tomorrow’s lunch: That’s the idea behind a universal basic income,…
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Tino Sehgal @ DLD All Stars

Known for works that shape movement, interaction and performance into art, Tino Sehgal involved involved Steffi Czerny and the DLD team in an interactive exercise to add a playful notion to a conference…
February 23, 2021
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Creating a Self-Sovereign Identity for All Citizens

Don Tapscott, blockchain, identity, DLD All Stars, video
In this passionate plea for data sovereignty, Don Tapscott argues that the platform economy is broken: Technology giants earn billions by collecting their users’ information and selling insights to advertisers. This has many…
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Analytics & Machine Learning: The Magic of the Cloud

Snowflake, Dageville, data analytics, video, explainer, Teichmann, Burda, investing
The next revolution in data analytics lies in breaking down silos and discovering fresh insights by applying machine learning to treasure troves of information. Data cloud specialist Snowflake has been a pioneer of…
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Data and Democracy

Stefan Vilsmeier, Viviane Reding, DLD All Stars, data, democracy, video
How much freedom do technology companies need to be truly innovative? And where should government step in to protect privacy, consumers and market competition? Former Vice President of the EU Commission, Viviane Reding,…
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Interspecies Design

Paola Antonelli, Lucia Pietroiusti, DLD All Stars
Paola Antonelli (MoMA) and Lucia Pietrouisti (Serpentine Galleries) call for principles of co-design with other species and leaving the superior position of the anthropocentric framework. The first step towards interspecies design, they argue,…
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Persistence Rules

Peter Vesterbacka, Rovio, innovation, ecosystems, tunnel, video
First he made Angry Birds a worldwide hit, now Peter Vesterbacka wants to create Europe’s leading startup ecosystem: In this DLD All Stars talk, Vesterbacka explains why he’s planning to build a privately…
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AI and the Post-Work World

Kai-Fu Lee, AI, Sinovation Ventures, future of work, video
What can artificial intelligence do – and where will humans always be superior? These are the core questions revolving around the future of work that AI expert Dr. Kai-Fu Lee explores in his…
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Scott Galloway: Twenty-One

Scott Galloway, video, DLD All Stars
In his trademark rapid-fire fashion, NYU professor Scott Galloway analyzes current trends in technology and business for the year ahead. His predictions include: Apple will buy Peloton, Amazon will move into health insurance,…
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The Incongruity Between Technology and the Social Fabric

Tristan Harris, Center for Humane Technology, DLD All Stars
Former Google ethicist Tristan Harris co-founded the Center for Humane Technology after realizing how manipulative many social media platforms have become – doing everything to keep users engaged, even if that means keeping…
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Follow Your Ears

Dennis Crowley, Foursquare, Yossi Vardi, DLD All Stars
A pioneer in location-based services, Foursquare initially tried to succeed with its own consumer app. But the company realized that providing location data to others was actually a far more promising business model,…
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