DLD Sync
Welcome to our interactive webinar format. DLD Sync is your direct connection to outstanding DLD speakers, allowing you to get inspired by our community’s brightest minds. DLD Sync thrives on your participation, so please tune in and ask questions!
Participation in DLD Sync is complimentary, thanks to the generous support of our partners. We just ask that you please register for sessions you are interested in.
Below you’ll find a list of upcoming events along with video recordings of past sessions. (Please note that all times and dates are subject to change.)
Our social media hashtag is #DLDSync
Up Next
As we’re busy working on new DLD Sync sessions please take a look at previous ones. You’ll find recordings of the most recent episodes below and all sessions in our video archive. Enjoy!
What Is DLD Sync?

Previous Sessions
Boosting Innovation: What’s Next for Europe’s Startup Scene?

Covid-19: The Death of Eros?

The Future of Virtual Worlds

Earth’s Next Frontiers: Visions from the Munich Ecosystem

AI: The Route To A Smarter Future

Doughnut Economics: Turning a Radical Idea Into Action

The Impact Revolution: Reshaping Capitalism

The Breakdown of Trust

Transforming Food Culture In Our New Future

Entrepreneurship In Times of Crisis