Brian Eno, musician, philosopher, Hans Ulrich Obrist, webinar, video


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Time Topic
0:05 Intro by Steffi Czerny
3:45 Happy birthday, Brian Eno!
5:10 The backstory of Mixing Colours, Eno’s newest album, a collaboration with his brother Roger.
7:45 Vinciane Despret, What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions?
8:15 What connects soundscapes and landscapes?
8:40 Why recording studios created a new art form that should have its own name.
9:30 Listen to the Nuzik: “It’s no more like traditional music than cinema is like traditional theater.”
10:55 Music has become an ever-present treat, “no longer fixed to time or location”.
12:15 A pop record that’s 1:38 minutes long.
12:50 Generative music: The composer creates rules and lets the system carry them out.
15:25 Wind chimes as an instrument in generative music.
17:55 A close relationship to science. “The description of the system is as complex as the system itself.”
18:40 The composer: an architect…
19:35 …or a gardener designing musical landscapes?
20:30 Why every artist should know John Horton Conway’s Game of Life.
22:40 Grey Briefings research paper: What if Covid-19 lasted for a year or more?
25:00 Social implications of generative music and a “bottoms-up approach” to solving complex problems.
25:30 Why the focus of a planned Serpentine Galleries exhibition of Brian Eno’s work evolved from music to climate change.
27:15 Approaching future challenges with a bottoms-up approach.
29:30 The biggest social revolution in human history.
29:55 An exhibition that says, “We’re all in this together. Let’s start the conversation!”
30:25 Building a bridge between art and society.
31:50 Brian’s book recommendations: Kate Raworth, Doughnut Economics, and The Entrepreneurial State by Mariana Mazzucato.
33:10 The myth that has fuelled Silicon Valley.
33:50 Usually the community pays for long-term research – but successful tech companies often try to minimize their tax obligations.
35:30 Traditional economics undervalues essential work often done by women.
40:00 Covid-19 as a “lengthy experiment in re-discovering ourselves”.
41:30 How dealing with the corona crisis is pushing people to overlook their differences, healing wounds.
42:30 Why countries in a crisis like this “almost inevitably have to become socialist”.
44:00 “Art is a powerful tool. It’s like fire. It can be quite dangerous as well.”
45:40 The importance of art in human society.
50:35 Learning to surrender.
53:00 Sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll: Situations “where we volunteer to surrender”.

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