DLD Video

UBI, Universal Basic Income, expert panel, Alber Wenger, Laura Brämswig


Laura Brämswig

Expedition Grundeinkommen (Basic Income)
Laura Brämswig, UBI

Laura Brämswig is the founder of the NGO Expedition Basic Income (Expedition Grundeinkommen) and has a great passion for innovation, society and systemic change. With her NGO she is pushing for a government-funded experiment on an unconditional basic income in Germany. Laura is a social, economic and cultural psychologist and political scientist trained at the London School of Economics and Politics, Leuphana and Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona.

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Albert Wenger

Union Square Ventures
Albert Wenger, Partner, Union Square Ventures

Albert Wenger is Managing Partner at Union Square Ventures. He led the firm’s investments in Etsy, Twilio and MongoDB. Wenger holds a Ph.D. in Information Technology from MIT, is @albertwenger on Twitter, blogs at Continuations and is the author of World After Capital.

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