DLD Video

Lisa Witter (Apolitical Foundation), Ricardo Marvão (Beta-i), Gauri van Gulik (Multitudes Foundation) and Maximilian Oehl (Brand New Bundestag) on stage at DLD Munich Conference 2024, discussing ways to strengthen democracy.


Gauri van Gulik

Multitudes Foundation
Portrait image of Gauri van Gulik, Co-Founder and Chair of the Multitudes Foundation, holding a microphone.

Gauri van Gulik is the co-Founder and Chair of Multitudes Foundation, which was created to support political changemakers building more inclusive, human and hopeful politics in Europe. Previously she led teams at Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch with a focus on women’s rights, refugees and European politics.

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Ricardo Marvão

Studio portrait photo of Ricardo Marvão, Co-Founder of Beta-i in Portugal

Ricardo Marvão is Co-founder of Beta-i, a collaborative innovation agency and a main driver of the startup ecosystem in Lisbon. Marvão has more than ten years of international experience in the space industry and founded the Singularity University Portugal.

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Maximilian Oehl

Brand New Bundestag
Portrait of Maximilian Oehl, Co-Initiator of Brand New Bundestag

Dr. Maximilian Oehl is co-initiator and Executive Director of Brand New Bundestag, a German non-partisan grassroots organization that advocates for progressive, forward-looking politics. Next to being a serial social and political entrepreneur, he is an attorney.

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Lisa Witter

Profile image of Lisa Witter, Co-Founder & Board Member, Apolitical Foundation

Lisa Witter is the co-founder and Executive Chairman of Apolitical, a global peer-to-peer platform for government that helps policymakers find the policies, experts and partners they need to solve the hardest challenges facing our societies.

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