DLD Nature 2024 conference design

DLD Nature

The Future of Security & Prosperity

September 12-13, 2024 • Munich

Investing in nature means investing in a prosperous future. More than half of global GDP depends on the well-being of our planet. Biodiversity forms the basis of all life on Earth and is key to driving economic value in the future.

DLD Nature was all about discussing solutions for biodiversity loss, protecting nature and transitioning to a sustainable, future-forward economy.

Videos are available right here and in our Youtube playlist.


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  • Portrait photo of biodiversity expert Jonathan Ledgard, co-founder and CEO of Interspecies Money, in front of a nature green background.
    Jonathan Ledgard
    Interspecies Money

    Jonathan Ledgard

    Jonathan Ledgard is the co-founder and CEO of Interspecies Money, a startup that seeks to allow other species to hold and spend money to improve their lives. He has been at the forefront of thinking on risk, nature, and advanced technology for decades. As director at the EPFL in Switzerland, he was responsible for the development of several futuristic initiatives, including conceiving and implementing drone delivery of blood and medicines in Africa.

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  • Close-up portrait of biologist Josef Settele, head of the Department of Conservation Biology and Social-Ecological Systems at the UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
    Josef Settele
    UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

    Josef Settele

    Josef Settele heads the Department of Conservation Biology and Social-Ecological Systems at the UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Halle, Germany. He holds a PhD in agriculture was previously a professor of ecology at the Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg. His research focuses on the intersection of land use, climate and biological diversity.

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  • Portrait image of Kat Bruce, founder of NatureMetrics, in front of a blue-grey background
    Kat Bruce

    Kat Bruce

    Kat Bruce is a biodiversity scientist and the founder of NatureMetrics, one of the world’s leading nature technology companies. NatureMetrics helps hundreds of companies to track their impacts and make better decisions for nature across global portfolios of sites.

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  • Portrait photo of biodiversity expert Prof. Katrin Böhning-Gaese, Director of the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre in Frankfurt, Germany.
    Katrin Böhning-Gaese
    Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre

    Katrin Böhning-Gaese

    Prof. Katrin Böhning-Gaese is director of the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre and professor at Goethe University Frankfurt. She focuses on the effects of climate and land-use change on biodiversity, as well on the importance of biodiversity for human well-being. Prof. Böhning-Gaese is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz.

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  • Portrait image of Katrin Habenschaden, former Mayor of Munich, now Head of Sustainability & Environment at Deutsche Bahn AG.
    Katrin Habenschaden
    Deutsche Bahn

    Katrin Habenschaden

    As Head of Sustainability & Environment at Deutsche Bahn AG, Katrin Habenschaden is responsible for the company’s green transformation. Her focus lies on achieving climate neutrality by 2040 and advancing issues like biodiversity and the circular economy. Before joining Germany’s largest mobility company, Katrin Habenschaden served as the mayor of Munich.

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  • Portrait image of Katrin Vohland, Director General of the Natural History Museum Vienna, in front of a historic building.
    Katrin Vohland
    Natural History Museum Vienna

    Katrin Vohland

    Dr. Katrin Vohland is Director General of the Natural History Museum Vienna. Her research focuses on the interface between science and different public audiences, including policy. She develops Open Science strategically for the collections, the museum and beyond, including Citizen Science where she is active to employ integrative and reflective approaches.

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  • Outdoor portrait image of Korbinian Kantenwein, founder and CEO of Nature Wealth
    Korbinian Kantenwein
    Nature Wealth

    Korbinian Kantenwein

    Korbinian Kantenwein is the founder of Nature Wealth, a foundation dedicated to driving targeted investments in nature’s most valuable areas to preserve biodiversity and protect the climate. With a background in renewable energy law, financial and legal innovation and impact investing, Kantenwein’s focus is on developing strategies that link biodiversity protection with economic incentives.

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  • Black-and-white portrait of Lena Thiele, Artistic Director of Miiqo Studios
    Lena Thiele
    Miiqo Studios

    Lena Thiele

    Lena Thiele is Artistic Director of Miiqo Studios in Berlin. She also holds the professorship for Digital Narratives at the ifs Internationale Filmschule, Cologne. For over 25 years, she has pioneered the development of socially relevant and internationally acclaimed immersive media formats, with a focus on environmental stewardship.

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Map showing the location of the Munich Urban Colab.

Munich Urban Colab
Freddie-Mercury-Straße 5
80797 Munich, Germany

Interactive MapFloor Plan


Thursday, September 12

10:00 am – 1 pm Conference Opening & Sessions
1 pm – 2 pm Lunch & Networking
2 pm – 6:30 pm Conference Sessions & Workshops

Friday, September 13

9:00 am – 12 pm Conference Sessions & Workshops
12 pm – 12:50 pm Lunch & Networking
1:35 pm – 3 pm Conference Sessions & Workshops

Program Details


You can find many more images in our DLD Nature Flickr collection.


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