DLD Nature
September 12-13, 2024 • Munich
Investing in nature means investing in a prosperous future. More than half of global GDP depends on the well-being of our planet. Biodiversity forms the basis of all life on Earth and is key to driving economic value in the future.
DLD Nature was all about discussing solutions for biodiversity loss, protecting nature and transitioning to a sustainable, future-forward economy.
Videos are available right here and in our Youtube playlist.
Speaker Selection
Speaker Company
Helmut Schönenberger
Helmut Schönenberger is Co-Founder and CEO of UnternehmerTUM, the Center for Innovation and Business Creation at Technical University Munich (TUM). Scalable tech-startups are Helmut’s passion. He is especially interested in startups in the field of smart enterprises, additive manufacturing as well as smart city and mobility solutions.
Full BiographyHussain Aga Khan
Hussain Aga Khan is a nature photographer and conservationist focused on raising global awareness about the protection of threatened species and ecosystems. In 2014, he established the NGO Focused on Nature to support global conservation, advocacy and research aimed at preserving biodiversity.
Full BiographyJan Haft
Jan Haft is founder and CEO of nautilusfilm, a film production company specializing in nature documentaries. Haft has written and directed more than 70 wildlife documentaries, winning more than 250 awards. He is a member of the board of the Heinz Sielmann Foundation and member of the board of trustees of the Deutsche Naturfilmstiftung.
Full BiographyJan Plagge
Jan Plagge is President of Bioland, an association of 10,000 businesses from the agriculture and food industry that produce, process and sell regional organic products in Germany and South Tyrol. Plagge studied horticulture at the Technical University of Munich and joined Bioland in the year 2000.
Full BiographyJan-Gisbert Schultze
Jan-Gisbert Schultze is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Acton Capital. He leads a team that has been successfully investing in digital businesses across Europe and North America for more than 20 years.
Full BiographyJane Lawton
Jane Lawton is Director of Impact for Earth Species Project, a research lab and impact organization focused on using AI to decode animal communication, with the goal of changing the way human beings relate to nature. Her diverse experience has ranged from designing conservation programs in Africa with the Jane Goodall Institute to setting global standards for conservation with IUCN in Asia.
Full BiographyJérôme Cochet
Jérôme Cochet is Co-Founder & Co-CEO of goodcarbon, a global platform for high-quality, nature-based carbon projects that support leading companies in achieving their climate and nature goals. He previously worked for McKinsey & Co. and was Senior Vice President for Sales & Marketing at Zalando where he also founded Zalando Marketing Services.
Full BiographyJohan Rockström
Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. He is a leading scientist on global water resources and has published more than 150 research papers in various fields related to global sustainability issues. He is also an advisor to the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC), among others.
Full Biography

Nature Wealth: Saving Biodiversity Hotspots

How Art and Design Give Nature a Voice

Deep Dive: Impact through Wonder

Deep Dive: From Landfill to Lifeline

Deep Dive: Business Case Biodiversity

Closing Keynote: Eckart von Hirschhausen
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10:00 am – 1 pm Conference Opening & Sessions 1 pm – 2 pm Lunch & Networking 2 pm – 6:30 pm Conference Sessions & Workshops
Friday, September 13
9:00 am – 12 pm Conference Sessions & Workshops 12 pm – 12:50 pm Lunch & Networking 1:35 pm – 3 pm Conference Sessions & Workshops