DLD Video

Stability AI founder Emad Mostaque speaks with journalist David Kirkpatrick at the DLD Munich 2024 conference.


Emad Mostaque

Stability AI
Portrait image of StabilityAI founder and CEO Emad Mostaque, smiling and wearing a red baseball cap.

Emad Mostaque is a British entrepreneur and the founder of Stability AI, which he served as CEO until March 2024. The company has helped further generative AI systems like Stable Diffusion, creating a community of more than 200,000 creators, developers, and researchers, as well as several research hubs worldwide.

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David Kirkpatrick

Techonomy Media
David Kirkpatrick, Techonomy

A journalist and media entrepreneur, David Kirkpatrick founded Techonomy Media, which he led for 12 years. He is now focusing on climate tech, climate action, and the crisis of global heating. Kirkpatrick’s bestselling book The Facebook Effect has been published in 32 languages.

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