DLD Video

Jimmy Wales, WT Social, DLD conference, DLD Munich


Jimmy Wales

Wikimedia Foundation
Jimmy Wales, Wikimedia

Internet and technology entrepreneur Jimmy Wales, is founder of the online non-profit encyclopedia Wikipedia and co-founder of the privately owned Wikia Inc., including its entertainment media brand Fandom powered by Wikia. Most recently, he launched WT Social, a news-focused social network.

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Steven Levy

Steven Levy, journalist, author, Silicon Valley

Steven Levy is the founder and Editor in Chief of Backchannel, a tech-based publication owned and operated by Medium. His previous posts were senior staff writer for the magazine Wired; and senior editor and chief technology correspondent for Newsweek, where he wrote the “Technologist” column. His books include the classic computer history Hackers; Insanely Great (the story of the Macintosh computer); Artificial Life, Crypto, and In the Plex, the definitive story of Google.

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