DLD Video

Olafur Eliasson, Pireeni Sundaralingam, Hans Ulrich Obrist, DLD All Stars


Pireeni Sundaralingam

Center for Humane Technology
Pireeni Sundaralingam

Educated at Oxford, cognitive scientist Pireeni Sundaralingam has held research posts at the Department of Brain Sciences at MIT and UCLA. She is a Research Analyst at the Center for Humane Technology and a Fellow at the pioneering science-art-and-human perception museum, the Exploratorium.

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Olafur Eliasson

Studio Olafur Eliasson
Olafur Eliasson

Visual artist Olafur Eliasson grew up in Iceland and Denmark. In 1995, he founded Studio Olafur Eliasson in Berlin, which today comprises a team of craftsmen, architects, archivists, researchers, administrators, cooks, art historians, and specialised technicians. Natural phenomena – such as water, light, ice, fog, and reflections – feature prominently in Eliasson’s often-large-scale artworks.

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Hans Ulrich Obrist

Serpentine Galleries
Hans Ulrich Obrist, Artistic Director, Serpentine Galleries

Hans Ulrich Obrist is Artistic Director of the Serpentine Galleries, London. Prior to this, he was the Curator of the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Since 1991 he has curated more than 250 shows. Obrist’s publications include A Brief History of Curating, Project Japan: Metabolism Talks with Rem Koolhaas, Do It: The Compendium, Think Like Clouds and Ai Weiwei Speaks.

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The Double Crisis: Climate & Biodiversity

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Fashion designers Giuliano Calza (GCDS) and Arnaud Vaillant (Coperni) with Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Galleries) on stage at the DLD Munich Conference 2023

Future of Fashion – A Brave Outlook

In this DLD23 session, two creative trailblazers take a look at the latest innovations in the fashion industry: Arnaud Vaillant, CEO and Co-Founder of French ready-to-wear fashion brand Coperni, and Giuliano Calza, founder…
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