DLD Video

Fatoumata Ba, Muhammad Yunus, Peter Backenecker, DLD, social businesses


Muhammad Yunus

Yunus Centre
Muhammad Yunus, portrait

Born in Bangladesh as one 14 children, Prof. Yunus went on to become a noted economist who pioneered the concept of microcredits. In 2006, he received a Nobel Peace Prize for his achievements as “Banker to the Poorest of the Poor”. He has since focused on spreading and implementing the concept of Social Business.

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Peter Bakenecker

Peter Bakenecker

Peter Bakenecker is Mastercard’s Division President for Germany and Switzerland. Since joining in 2006, Peter held various management positions, including Head of Product, Business Development as well as Digital Payments for Europe. Before joining Mastercard, Peter was with Batten & Company as well as Roland Berger Strategy Consultants as part of their financial services practices.

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Fatoumata Bâ

Fatoumata Ba, Janngo

Fatoumata Bâ is a Tech Entrepreneur & VC Investor, Founder & Executive Chair of Janngo and Managing Partner of Janngo Capital. Janngo builds, grows and invests in pan-African “tech for good” champions with proven business models and inclusive social impact. At Jumia, the number 1 tech unicorn in Africa to be listed on the NYSE, she served as Founder & CEO in Ivory Coast.

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Martin Weiss

Hubert Burda Media
Portrait image of Martin Weiss, CEO of Hubert Burda Media

Martin Weiss was CEO of Hubert Burda Media from 2022 until 2024. Previously, he directed BurdaInternational, which bundles the company’s worldwide activities, and BurdaPrincipal Investments, the company’s growth capital arm dedicated to the technology and media industry.

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