DLD Video

Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, Cass Sunstein, DLD All Stars


Cass Sunstein

Harvard University
Cass Sunstein

Cass R. Sunstein is the founder and director of the Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy at Harvard Law School. Prof. Sunstein has advised officials at the United Nations, the European Commission, the World Bank, and many nations on issues of law and public policy. 

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Daniel Kahneman

Princeton University
Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman was the Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology, Princeton University, Professor of Public Affairs, the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, and the winner of the 2002 Nobel Price in Economic Sciences and the National Medal of Freedom in 2013. He passed away in March 2024.

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Olivier Sibony

HEC Paris
Olivier Sibony

Olivier Sibony is Professor of Strategy at HEC Paris and an Associate Fellow at Saïd Business School, Oxford University. His research on improving the quality of strategic decision making has been featured in many publications, including Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review.

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John Brockman

John Brockman, Edge.org

John Brockman is a cultural impresario, whose career has encompassed the avant-garde art world, science, books, software, and the Internet. He is publisher and editor of Edge.org, a highly acclaimed website devoted to discussions of cutting edge science by many of the world’s brilliant thinkers, and founder of Brockman, Inc., a leading international literary agency for serious nonfiction authors.

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