DLD Video

Nature photographer Prince Hussain Aga Khan speaks about the beauty of nature at the DLD conference in Munich. He sits at a pedestal, with a display behind him that shows a rainforest and monkey.


Hussain Aga Khan

Nature Photographer
Portrait image of nature photographer Hussain Aga Khan, wearing a diver’s suit, presumably on a boat out on the ocean.

Hussain Aga Khan is a nature photographer and conservationist focused on raising global awareness about the protection of threatened species and ecosystems. In 2014, he established the NGO Focused on Nature to support global conservation, advocacy and research aimed at preserving biodiversity.

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Auguste von Bayern

Profile image of zoologist Auguste von Bayern with a parrot on her shoulder

Auguste von Bayern is a zoologist who seeks to understand how animals think. Her research interests comprise innovative and flexible reasoning skills and vocal learning abilities of parrots. Auguste graduated in Zoology from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

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