Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi

Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi, Tudor Investments

Tudor Investment Corporation

Dr. Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi is a Senior Portfolio Manager and Partner at Tudor Investment Corporation where she oversees a global equity portfolio inside Tudor’s flagship fund. She serves as a member of the Advisory Board of NYC FIRST, a global youth-serving robotics community, and recently joined the Advisory Board of Portfolios with Purpose.


data, AI, artificial intelligence, Snowflake, Cresta, Zayd Enam, Jennifer Belissent, Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi, DLD, video, panel, discussion

Doing Better with Data and AI

Is artificial intelligence mostly a tool to increase automation and eliminate jobs? “I’m here to tell you that that’s a very lazy view of artificial intelligence”, says Zayd Enam, a former Stanford AI…
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Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi, Ali Ghodsi

How Data and AI Shape the Future of the Enterprise

Unlike oil, data is an infinite resource. In fact, it comes in such abundance that it is harder to refine than its industrial age counterpart. One of the key challenges for enterprises is…
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