Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi, Ali Ghodsi


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Time Topic
0:05 Welcome by Steffi Czerny
3:30 Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi introduces Databricks and Ali Ghodsi
4:25 Ali Ghodsi on his childhood in Sweden and early fascination with coding and computers.
6:10 The origins of Databricks: How Ali Ghodsi and Ion Stoica met at U.C. Berkeley.
7:30 Developing Apache Spark. “This is almost like 1960s: There’s a new computer, and the new computer is the data center. It’s the cloud.” (Ali Ghodsi)
9:05 Artificial intelligence in data centers: How a Netflix competition sparked the making of Spark.
11:35 “We want the whole world to take this and run with it.” Turning research into a product.
12:15 With a little help from Ben Horowitz and a16z…
13:35 The challenge: making people use Spark instead of Hadoop.
15:05 An event in 2015 changes everything: the “sort contest”.
16:40 Suddenly everybody is talking about Spark – but “nobody knew that Databricks is the company behind Spark.”
18:00 The next challenge: earning money. “We succeeded in having impact in the world with open source project. We’re not business guys.”
20:10 Ali Ghodsi becomes CEO, benefits from his “data driven” background in academics.
21:45 “Most researchers are pretty good marketers. You have to explain the research results and convince other researchers who are very skeptical…”
24:00 Three pivots in 2016 that make all the difference.
24:45 The Delta project: addressing the needs of enterprises.
26:30 The hardest part about AI? Making the data useful for smart algorithms.
27:30 Why Databricks takes an integrated approach: “I think our secret sauce is that we combine the data processing and AI in one platform.”
28:15 Data lakes, data swamps, and the Lakehouse concept.
31:30 Why purified data is better data.
33:00 Regeneron, DNA databases, drug discovery: How companies use Databricks to battle Covid-19.
35:00 Data analytics and AI in predictive maintenance. “We tell them in advance, what’s the probability that some device will break down.”
37:30 Better usability with the help of automatic machine learning. “We automate, under the hood, a lot of the things that the data scientists today do manually.”
39:10 Managing the whole lifecycle of data, from preparation to production and back.
42:00 The advantages of open source.
43:00 Advice to CIOs: “Build with AI in mind. Don’t think about AI and data science as an afterthought.”
44:40 The right cloud computing strategy.
48:05 Advantages of data streaming.
51:15 Understanding unstructured data, nuances, emotion? Score one for human intelligence.
54:30 Data analytics and AI trends in 2021.
56:50 Advice to the young: “Double down on something and become worldclass in it.”
1:01:40 Wrap-up.

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