Richard Socher

Portrait of Richard Socher, Co-fFounder & CEO of AI-powered search engine

Richard Socher is the founder and CEO of the AI productivity platform and also co-founder and managing director of AIX Ventures. He previously served as the Chief Scientist of Salesforce. Socher is widely recognized as having brought neural networks into the field of natural language processing, inventing the most widely used word vectors and prompt engineering.


Artificial intelligence experts Richard Socher, Michele Ruiz, John Clippinger, JP Rangaswami, Björn Ommer and John Thornhill speak at the DLD Munich Conference 2023

Challenges of Generative AI

The rise of generative AI systems like ChatGPT and DALL-E has raised both excitement and concerns over the capabilities of artificial intelligence in general. How good, how reliable are these systems really? Can…
Video details founder Richard Socher discusses AI chatbots and search at DLD Munich 2023

Will Machines Think?

Conversational AI is one of the hot trends in the field of artificial intelligence – especially in the field of search where AI chatbots deliver search results in a conversational style. But can…
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Clay robot reading a book illustrates the question: How smart is artificial intelligence getting?

Good or Evil? How AI Is Transforming Life, Work and Society

Will artificial intelligence turn out to be a blessing or a curse? DLD speakers from science, business and technology share expert opinions.
Article details founder Richard Socher speaks in an interview with DLD about AI, search engines and competition with Google

“The Goal Is to Be the Best Search Engine for You” founder Richard Socher explains how he’s putting users in control and aims to make artificial intelligence a trustworthy source of information.
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DLD25 graphic design

DLD Munich 2025

Europe’s leading innovation conference celebrates its 20th anniversary from January 16-18, 2025, in Munich. Find out about speakers, location details and how to attend…
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Stage at DLD Munich 2023, Europe’s leading innovation conference, at Serviceplan’s House of Communication

DLD Munich 2023

Highlights of DLD Munich 2023: Find videos, images and speakers of Europe’s leading innovation conference in one place…
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