The concept of a circular economy could become a fifth industrial revolution, Ramona Liberoff argues in this passionate DLD talk. As Executive Director of PACE – short for Platform for Accelerating Circular Economy – Liberoff heads a public-private collaboration platform for global changemakers.
“At PACE, we see the circular economy as the opportunity to create a better world”, she says. “But we have to really look deep into our systems rather than doing a policy here and there.”
It’s necessary to re-imagine entire industrial production processed and recognize that “every action we take in business is not isolated from people, planet, and nature”, Liberoff demands. “They are all connected.”
As a positive example she mentions CELSA, a Spanish steel maker that has assembled companies in different industries to map out over 1 billion euros value by redefining waste streams, increasing recycled materials use and advocating for more ambitious targets.
“One person’s waste is someone else’s treasure”, Liberoff says, emphasizing that change is possible – provided there’s the will to change.
“Leadership can really inspire others to act – as long as we act together.”
Watch the video for further insights into creating production systems for a fair, just and resilient world.