DLD Video

Ingo Rübe, KILT Protocol, and investor Mark Cachia of Scytale Ventures talk with Mike Butcher of TechCrunch about the promise of Blockchain and web3


Mike Butcher

Mike Butcher, Editor-at-Large, TechCrunch

Mike Butcher is Editor-at-Large of TechCrunch, the world’s biggest breaking news site about venture capital and the hottest tech companies. Mike is a regular commentator on tech, appearing on CNBC, Bloomberg and the BBC, among others.

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Mark Cachia

Scytale Ventures
Mark Cachia, Founder and CEO of Scytale Ventures

Mark Emanuel Cachia founded Scytale Ventures in 2017, to combine his financial industry experience with the technological know-how and blockchain industry access of Ed Hesse, Gavin Wood, and Aeron Buchanan.

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Ingo Rübe

KILT Protocol
Ingo Rübe, founder, KILT Protocol

Ingo Rübe is founder of KILT Protocol and CEO of BOTLabs, a blockchain R&D firm that creates business and consumer applications “Built on KILT.” Previously he served as CTO of Hubert Burda Media and IT Project Director at Axel Springer.

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