DLD Video

Hendrik Brandis, Earlybird, startups, investing, DLD Summer, video, talk


Hendrik Brandis

Hendrik Brandis, investor, Earlybird, VC

Hendrik Brandis is a Co-founder and Partner at Earlybird and is based in Munich. Brandis brings over 25 years of investment, operational, and entrepreneurial experience. His domain focus is on deep tech and enterprise productivity for startup companies with corporate-division software and hardware products, as well as selected high-tech topics.

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Alissa Baier-Lentz (Kintra Fibers) and Katrin Ley (Fashion for Good) discuss sustainable fashion at the DLD Munich 2024 conference. Baier-Letz, left, shows a sample of the biodegradable fabric that her company Kintra Fibers has developed.

Changing the Fashion Industry with New Materials

The fashion industry has a plastic problem. Currently polyester makes up around 50% of global fiber production – but the material is made from fossil fuels and creates microplastic pollution when garments are…
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Art group Random International speaks at DLD Munich 2022

No One Is An Island

Artist duo Random International illustrates how humans are influenced by living with machines – and then decides to create a human algorithm, with the help of DLD attendees. “We want you to experience…
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