DLD Video

Panel discussion about innovation in Turkey with Ahmed Faruk Karslı, Papara, Rina Onur Şirinoğlu, Peak Games, Sertaç Taşdelen, Vision, and Sina Afra, Tiko


Ahmed Faruk Karsli

Ahmed Faruk Karsli, Papara, fintech, Turkey

Ahmed F. Karslı is the founder and CEO of Papara. A serial entrepreneur, Karslı launched his first company at the age of 17 and has built numerous companies in a variety of sectors. He is also a practicing lawyer and book collector.

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Rina Onur Şirinoğlu

Spyke Games
Rina Onur Sirinoglu, Peak Games

Rina Onur Şirinoğlu is the Co-Founder of Peak Games, Spyke Games and 500 Istanbul. Peak Games was acquired by Zynga in 2020 for $1.8 billion. In 2021, she co-founded Spyke Games in 2021 to re-create the gaming success Turkey has shown in the global gaming markets

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Sina Afra

Sina Afra, Tiko, tiko.es, PropTech

Sina Afra is a serial entrepreneur. His latest endeavor is Tiko.es which he founded and serves as CEO. Previously he founded Markafoni, which became the first Turkish Internet company to expand beyond the borders of Turkey by launching sites in Australia, Ukraine, Greece and Poland.

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Sertaç Taşdelen

Sertac Tasdelen, CEO, Vision

Sertaç Taşdelen is the Co-Founder & CEO of Vision, a technology company focusing on software development and artificial intelligence which develops the apps Binnaz and Faladdin. Sertaç holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Bilkent University, Turkey. Sertac attended Stanford University Entrepreneurship class of Summer ’18.

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