DLD Video

Sky Hopinka, artist, American Indian, culture, language, DLD, video


Sky Hopinka

Video Artist
Sky Hopinka, artist, diversity

Artist Sky Hopinka (Ho-Chunk/Pechanga) was born and raised in Ferndale, Washington. In Portland, he studied and taught chinuk wawa, a language indigenous to the Lower Columbia River Basin. His video work centers around personal positions of Indigenous homeland and landscape, designs of language as containers of culture, and the play between the known and the unknowable.

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Hans Ulrich Obrist

Serpentine Galleries
Hans Ulrich Obrist, Artistic Director, Serpentine Galleries

Hans Ulrich Obrist is Artistic Director of the Serpentine Galleries, London. Prior to this, he was the Curator of the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Since 1991 he has curated more than 250 shows. Obrist’s publications include A Brief History of Curating, Project Japan: Metabolism Talks with Rem Koolhaas, Do It: The Compendium, Think Like Clouds and Ai Weiwei Speaks.

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Tristan Harris, Center for Humane Technology, DLD All Stars

The Incongruity Between Technology and the Social Fabric

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