DLD Video

Florian Festl (Focus Online), author Alexandra Borchardt, Sebastian Stricker (ShareTheMeal), Daniel Koller (Flutwein) and journalist Nele Würzbach on stage at the DLD Munich 2024 conference.


Florian Festl

FOCUS Online
Portrait of Focus.de editor Florian Festl

Florian Festl is Editor-in-Chief of FOCUS Online, a leading German news portal. In addition, he is responsible for the development of several BurdaForward brands, including CHIP.de, BUNTE.de and TVSpielfilm.de.

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Alexandra Borchardt

Alexandra Borchardt, journalist, advisor and researcher

Alexandra Borchardt is a journalist, book author, independent researcher, and media advisor. She is lead author of the report Climate Journalism That Works – Between Knowledge and Impact, published in March 2023.

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Sebastian Stricker

ShareTheMeal & share
Close-up portrait image of social entrepreneur Sebastian Stricker, co-founder and former CEO of ShareTheMeal and share.

Sebastian Stricker is a co-founder and the former CEO of ShareTheMeal and share. The social entrepreneurship projects have raised more than 150 million euros to fight hunger and poverty. Stricker previously held posts with the United Nations, the Clinton Foundation and BCG.

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Daniel Koller

Seven.One AdFactory
Close-up portrait image of Daniel Koller, Director Creative House at Seven.One AdFactory in Munich.

Daniel Koller, an internationally recognized creative and change manager in the German creative, startup, and media industries, currently serves as the Director of the “Creative House” department within Seven.One AdFactory.

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Nele Würzbach

Portrait of WELT journalist Nele Würzbach

Nele Würzbach is a German news anchor at WELT. Politics and breaking news are her passion and she has traveled the world reporting on these topics.

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