DLD Video

Chris Grantham, IDEO, Jens Thiemer, BMW, circular economy, automobile industry, sustainability, DLD, talk


Jens Thiemer

BMW Group
Jens Thiemer

Dr. Jens Thiemer is Senior Vice President for Customer and Brand BMW. He studied business administration at the University of Trier and received his doctorate in “Innovative Brand Management in the Automotive Industry” from the University of Kassel. Before joining BMW in 2019, Dr. Thiemer held the position of Vice President Marketing Mercedes Benz.

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Chris Grantham

Chris Grantham, IDEO

Chris Grantham is Circular Economy Executive Director at IDEO, where he works with organizations on their circular economy strategy, organizational transformation and product innovation. Chris has also been closely involved in developing IDEO’s partnership with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

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