DLD Video

Alissa Baier-Lentz (Kintra Fibers) and Katrin Ley (Fashion for Good) discuss sustainable fashion at the DLD Munich 2024 conference. Baier-Letz, left, shows a sample of the biodegradable fabric that her company Kintra Fibers has developed.


Alissa Baier-Lentz

Kintra Fibers
Portrait photo of Alissa Baier-Lentz, Co-Founder & COO of circular fashion company Kintra Fibers

Circular fashion advocate Alissa Baier-Lentz is the Co-Founder and COO of Kintra Fibers. The company, backed by fashion retailer H&M, has developed a proprietary synthetic fiber that is 100% bio-based, compostable and made on standard polyester production equipment.

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Katrin Ley

Fashion for Good
Portrait of Katrin Ley, Managing Director of Fashion for Good, Amsterdam

Katrin Ley is the Managing Director of Fashion for Good, a global platform for collaborative innovation in the fashion industry. An industry veteran with more than 25 years of experience, Katrin drives the transition towards a circular textile industry by harnessing the power of innovation, practical action and collaboration.

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