DLD Video

DLD Munich panel discussion with Gabi Zedlmayer, Taavet Hinrikus and Karin Künnapas about changing education for the digital age


Taavet Hinrikus

Entrepreneur & Investor
Taavet Hinrikus, Transferwise, Wise, Skype

Taavet Hinrikus is co-founder and Chairman of Wise (formerly TransferWise), a global technology company facilitating international payments and money transfers. Previously, he was Skype’s Director of Strategy until 2008. Hinrikus is also an active investor with more than 100 technology investments.

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Karin Künnapas

Karin Künnapas, kood/Johvi

Karin Künnapas is Co-Director of a unique coding school called kood/Jõhvi in Estonia whose goal is to increase accessibility to quality IT education and decrease the lack of software engineers. Open to anyone at least 18 years old, the school operates without teachers, classes and is free to attend for the students.

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Gabi Zedlmayer

University of the People
Gabi Zedlmayer, Special Advisor, University of the People

Gabi Zedlmayer is Special Advisor, International Affairs, at the University of the People. She is a social innovator who has been working with numerous global organizations on solving social and environmental issues in collaboration with non-profit organizations, governments, customers and partners.

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