Fred Davis

Portrait of investor Fred Davis, The Raine Group

The Raine Group

Fred Davis is a Partner at The Raine Group, an integrated merchant bank specializing in the high growth sectors of technology, media and telecom. Companies Davis has invested in and advised include SoundCloud, Downtown Music and BenevolentAI.


Future of music panel discussion at the DLD Munich conference, with ABBA co-founder Björn Ulvaeus, Max Ciociola, Fred Davis, Ole Obermann, Michael Weissmann and Thomas Hesse

New Tunes: How AI and the Blockchain Revolutionize Music Yet Again

The music industry has seen many changes since its inception. From vinyl to music tapes and cassettes, the journey continued via CDs and Napster to streaming services like Spotify and SoundCloud, as well…
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Stage at DLD Munich 2023, Europe’s leading innovation conference, at Serviceplan’s House of Communication

DLD Munich 2023

Highlights of DLD Munich 2023: Find videos, images and speakers of Europe’s leading innovation conference in one place…
Event details
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