DLD Video

Daniela Gerd tom Markotten, (Deutsche Bahn), Markus Pflitsch (Terra Quantum) and Niko Mohr (McKinsey & Company) speak about the state of quantum computing at the DLD Munich Conference 2024


Jan Goetz

Jan Goetz, IQM

Jan Goetz is Co-Founder and CEO of IQM, a leading a leading quantum computing hardware company and a key player in Europe’s vibrant quantum ecosystem. Jan received his PhD on superconducting quantum circuits from TU Munich and continued as a Postdoc in Helsinki at Aalto University.

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Daniela Gerd tom Markotten

Deutsche Bahn AG
Portrait of Daniela Gerd tom Markotten, Board Member, Deutsche Bahn AG, Germany’s national railway company

At Deutsche Bahn AG, Dr. Daniela Gerd tom Markotten is the Member of the Management Board for Digitalization and Technology. A tech enthusiast and industrial engineer with a PhD in IT security, she previously held various positions in IT, logistics and production at Daimler AG.

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Niko Mohr

McKinsey & Company
Niko Mohr, McKinsey

Niko Mohr is a Senior Expert Partner with McKinsey Digital, Germany, and part of the global IoT and Quantum Technologies leadership team. He has led projects in newly arising digital ecosystems, e.g. Industry 4.0, connected buildings, smart cities, smart mobility and Quantum Tech, for international corporations and institutions.

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Markus Pflitsch

Terra Quantum
Markus Pflitsch, CEO & Founder, Terra Quantum

Markus Pflitsch is a quantum physicist, senior financial executive and entrepreneur who researched in the area of quantum field theory at CERN. He founded Terra Quantum AG, a deep tech pioneer commercializing quantum tech application, in 2018.

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