DLD Video

Tanit Koch, Nick Clegg, Facebook, DLD Munich 2020


Nick Clegg

Facebook, Nick Clegg, DLD20

Nick Clegg is the Vice President of Global Affairs and Communications at Facebook. Before that, he spent a decade working in the EU – first as a senior adviser in the European Commission and later as a Member of the European Parliament between 1999 and 2004. In, 2005, he was elected to the U.K. Parliament, and became leader of Britain’s third-largest political party, the Liberal Democrats, two years later.

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Tanit Koch

FOCUS/The New European
Headshot portrait of German journalist Tanit Koch speaking at the DLD conference.

Tanit Koch is a German journalist, columnist and moderator.She co-hosts the daily FOCUS Briefing and writes the column Germansplaining for the British weekly The New European. Previously, she served as editor-in-chief of BILD, editor of RTL Germany’s central newsroom, and as managing director of the news channel ntv.

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