DLD Video

gender equality, digital age, Joy Buolamwini, Maria Furtwängler, Iris Bohnet, DLD conference


Iris Bohnet

Harvard Kennedy School
Iris Bohnet

Iris Bohnet, the Academic Dean of Harvard Kennedy School, is a behavioral economist, combining insights from economics and psychology to improve decision-making in organizations and society. She is the author of the award-winning book What Works: Gender Equality by Design, and advises governments and companies on the topic around the world.

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Maria Furtwängler

MaLisa Foundation
Headshot of Maria Furtwängler, Co-Founder of the MaLisa Foundation

Maria Furtwängler is an acclaimed and multi award-winning-actress, producer and activist. She co-founded DLD Women. In 2016, she founded the MaLisa Foundation together with her daughter Elisabeth. The foundation’s work focuses on the protection of social diversity, biodiversity and the climate, a crisis that is the central issue of our time, if not our century.

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Joy Buolamwini

Algorithmic Justice League
Joy Buolamwini, AI, ethics, bias, researcher

Joy Buolamwini founded the Algorithmic Justice League to create a world with more ethical and inclusive technology. Her work was the subject of the Netflix documentary Coded Bias, and her research has been covered in over 40 countries. Buolamwini serves on the Global Tech Panel convened to advise world leaders and technology executives on ways to reduce the harms of A.I.

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More DLD Talks

Industry experts discuss sustainable materials at DLD Circular 2023 in Munich. From left to right: Marcus Behrendt (BMW i Ventures), Hannes Schoenegger (QWSTION/Bananatex). Vishaal Shah (EnvoPap), Eftrat Friedland (materialscout) and Christian Fischer (Bcomp)

Shifting towards Circularity with New Materials

Sustainable materials, such as banana fiber, agricultural waste and natural fiber composites, can replace plastics in many products, as this DLD Circular panel discussion shows. The session, moderated by Marcus Behrendt, Managing Director…
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Ilka Horstmeier, BMW, Anne Kawalerski, Bloomberg Media, DLD Circular, sustainability, brands, leadership, management, talk, video

Leading a Circular Transformation

Increasingly, customers and investors expect companies to act in socially responsible ways and shift to sustainable business models. BMW Group board member Ilka Horstmeier and Bloomberg Media’s Anne Kawalerski discuss how corporate leaders…
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