DLD Video

Investment opportunities in Africa: DLD expert panel with Faoutmata Ba, Janngo, Stéphan-Éloïse Gras, Digital Africa, and Khaled Ben Jilani, AfricInvest


Fatoumata Bâ

Fatoumata Ba, Janngo

Fatoumata Bâ is a Tech Entrepreneur & VC Investor, Founder & Executive Chair of Janngo and Managing Partner of Janngo Capital. Janngo builds, grows and invests in pan-African “tech for good” champions with proven business models and inclusive social impact. At Jumia, the number 1 tech unicorn in Africa to be listed on the NYSE, she served as Founder & CEO in Ivory Coast.

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Stephan-Eloïse Gras

Digital Africa
Stephan-Eloise Gras, Digital Africa

Stéphan-Eloïse Gras is an entrepreneur, researcher and the executive director of Digital Africa, an initiative launched in 2018 by President Emmanuel Macron to support African digital entrepreneurs in designing and scaling digital innovations for the real economy.

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Khaled Ben Jilani

Khaled Ben Jilani, AfricInvest

Khaled Ben Jilani is a Senior Partner and a member of the Executive Committee of AfricInvest. He leads VC and financial sector investments. Khaled is also an advocate for better laws and regulations to spur innovation in Africa.

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