Margot Edelman, Richard Edelman


Sync Scroll

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Time Topic
0:00 Intro by Steffi Czerny
3:45 Results from the Edelman Trust Barometer Spring Update 2020.
6:30 Survey results show “a shocking revival for government”.
8:10 How long will the trend last?
9:00 Widespread fear, magnified by “the epidemic of fake news”.
10:30 Social unrest in the U.S. over the death of George Floyd.
11:15 “The key point about Covid is: It has spotlighted societal inequity.”
12:35 The perceived failure of business leaders: “We can really see that this is a wakeup call for CEOs…”
14:55 Winners and losers: Food and health care gain trust, tech in decline.
17:25 What do businesses need to do to (re)build their reputation…?
18:40 When to lift the lockdown? “People want governments to prioritize health and safety…”
19:45 Action points for business leaders.
20:50 Brands and systemic racism.
22:10 “This is more than a moment in time. This is a turning point.”
25:00 Why brands must take a stand.
26:30 Advice from Richard Edelman: “Make sure your own house is in order… Educate, advocate and inspire… Get involved in the hard work of fixing things.”
31:20 Stakeholder capitalism as a force for good.
34:50 Why CEOs have “a big new job: truth teller, fact finder.”
36:30 Which brands are setting a positive example?
40:00 A return to the office – how and when?
42:15 Contact tracing, privacy and how technology can help fight the pandemic.
45:30 Diversity and technology companies.

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