Lior Shalev

Lior Shalev


Lior Shalev is the CEO and co-founder of SimpliiGood, an agritech startup that grows fresh spirulina – a micro algae – as a sustainable food source and plant-based protein. Lior is also the founder of Infogan, an ed-tech company, and has invested several startups that combine technology with social commitment from agri-tech and digital health to IoT and water supply.


sustainable food, agriculture, meat alternatives, spirulina, Lior Shalev, talk, DLD Circular

Sustainable Food

In this passionate plea for sustainable food production, SimpliiGood founder Lior Shalev explains why the current system is broken, and suggests ways to fix it. At present, food production is responsible for one quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, according to Oxford University’s Our World In Data project. In addition, 70 percent of all freshwater is…
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Lior Shalev, algae, Spirulina, food, meat alternative, talk, DLD

Meat the Future: Plant-Based Food

Hunger and malnutrition remain an enormous problem, with one in four people globally facing insecurites about their food supply. “By 2050, we will need two planets to feed our entire population”, said Lior Shalev, CEO and co-founder of SimpliiGood. His startup produces food rich in protein, vitamins and minerals based on an algae named Spirulina.…
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