Fritz Oidtmann

Fritz Oidtmann, Acton Capital

Acton Capital

Fritz Oidtmann is a Managing Partner at Acton Capital, a leading growth venture capital investor based in Munich that has invested in over 80 companies, including EtsyHomeToGo and Sofatutor. Fritz studied economics at the universities of Bonn and Berkeley. After graduating, he worked at McKinsey.


food waste, electronic waste, discussion, startups, Oddbox, SPRK, Refurbed, DLD Circular

Tech-Enabled Circular Marketplaces

There are many new ways to prevent food waste and electronic waste, as this DLD Circular session shows. Moderated by Fritz Oidtmann (Acton Capital), three entrepreneurs from the U.K. and Germany illustrate how digital services can become a powerful tool in the fight to preserve precious resources. “Very few people know is that food waste…
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