Anne-Laure de Chammard

Siemens Energy
As Group Executive Vice President of Siemens Energy, Anne-Laure de Chammard is responsible for the “Transformation of Industry” Business Area with more than 14,000 employees in over 60 countries. A French citizen, Anne-Laure de Chammard, holds master’s degrees from École Polytechnique, École des Ponts and from Harvard University.

Decarbonizing Industry
Industries, particularly energy-intensive ones like steel and chemical production, contribute significantly to global emissions and the climate crisis. This DLD24 session, moderated by Christiaan Hetzner (Fortune) brings together experts from science and business…
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DLD Munich 2024
DLD24 brought together experts from business, science and culture. Revisit this exciting event here with talks, videos, images…
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