Lena Thiele

Black-and-white portrait of Lena Thiele, Artistic Director of Miiqo Studios

Miiqo Studios

Lena Thiele is Artistic Director of Miiqo Studios in Berlin. She also holds the professorship for Digital Narratives at the ifs Internationale Filmschule, Cologne. For over 25 years, she has pioneered the development of socially relevant and internationally acclaimed immersive media formats, with a focus on environmental stewardship.


Lena Thiele (Miiqo Studios) presents her collaboration with the Max Planck society at the DLD Nature conference in Munich.

Deep Dive: Impact through Wonder

This DLD Nature Deep Dive session highlights the power of art and design to evoke wonder, create emotional connections, and inspire action towards biodiversity conservation. It’s a companion to the panel discussion How…
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Katrin Boehning-Gaese (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ) in conversaton with Sabine Hansky (Munich Urban Colab) and Sarah Dorkenwald, (Munich University for Applied Sciences) at the DLD Nature conference.

How Art and Design Give Nature a Voice

How can art and design foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of nature, leading to more effective conservation efforts? That’s the question at the heart of this fascinating DLD Nature expert panel. Watch…
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DLD Nature 2024 conference design

DLD Nature

Why invest in nature? Get expert insights about biodiversity, climate change and high-tech solutions that can help heal the planet. Join us for DLD Nature on September 12-13, 2024, in Munich…
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