Johan Rockström
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. He is a leading scientist on global water resources and has published more than 150 research papers in various fields related to global sustainability issues. He is also an advisor to the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC), among others.
The Double Crisis: Climate & Biodiversity
Leading climate scientist Johan Rockström (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) shows how deeply climate change and biodiversity loss are connected – requiring urgent action on both issues to avoid further damage to…
Video detailsInvesting in Nature: Building a Business Case to Save the Planet
Three leading experts from science and business discuss nature’s value for the global economy, highlighting the critical need to invest in nature conservation – because biodiversity loss is as significant a threat as…
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Quick Takes from DLD Nature
When technology meets biodiversity a world of opportunities opens up. These insights from our recent conference show why it pays off to invest in healing the planet.
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DLD Nature
Why invest in nature? Get expert insights about biodiversity, climate change and high-tech solutions that can help heal the planet. Join us for DLD Nature on September 12-13, 2024, in Munich…
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