Frank Glaw
SNSB – Bavarian State Collection of Zoology
Dr. Frank Glaw is a zoologist and specializes in the biodiversity of amphibians and reptiles of Madagascar. He leads the Department of Vertebrates at the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology, has authored numerous publications and is actively involved in assessments for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Oceans, Forests, Ice – Biodiversity in Crisis
Three SNSB scientists discuss the critical state of biodiversity across different ecosystems – oceans, tropical forests, and past ice age environments. Gert Wörheide, an expert on marine biodiversity, highlights the importance of coral…
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DLD Nature
Why invest in nature? Get expert insights about biodiversity, climate change and high-tech solutions that can help heal the planet. Join us for DLD Nature on September 12-13, 2024, in Munich…
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