David Diallo

Portrait of David Diallo, Co-Founder and CEO of goodcarbon


David Diallo is Co-Founder and CEO of goodcarbon, a global platform for high-quality, nature-based carbon projects that support companies in achieving their climate and nature goals. A passionate entrepreneur, he previously founded successful start-ups such as epubli. He is also Founding Partner of Good Impact Ventures.


David Diallo (goodcarbon) speaks to a room full of attentive listeners at the DLD Nature conference, in a meeting room at the Munich Urban Colab.

Deep Dive: Business Case Biodiversity

What’s needed to empower corporate leaders to integrate biodiversity into their strategies, with an emphasis on collaboration and actionable commitments? That’s the core topic of this DLD Nature Deep Dive session. Watch the…
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Tobias Raffel (Biodiversity Bridge), Heba Aguib (BMW Foundation), Korbinian Kantenwein (Nature Wealth Foundation) and David Diallo (goodcarbon) speak at the DLD Nature, in front of an attentive audience at the Munich Urban Colab.

Business Case Biodiversity

This DLD Nature session is all about integrating biodiversity into business strategies. Watch the video to get insights from four different business experts: Tobias Raffel (Biodiversity Bridge) emphasizes the need to shift from…
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DLD25 graphic design

DLD Munich 2025

Europe’s leading innovation conference celebrates its 20th anniversary from January 16-18, 2025, in Munich. Find out about speakers, location details and how to attend…
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DLD Nature conference, auditorium with speakers and audience

DLD Nature

Why invest in nature? Get expert insights about biodiversity, climate change and high-tech solutions that can help heal the planet. Join us for DLD Nature on September 12-13, 2024, in Munich…
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