Cathy Hackl

Portrait image of Cathy Hackl, Co-Founder and Chief Futurist of Journey


Cathy Hackl is the Co-Founder and Chief Futurist of Journey, an innovation and design studio that pioneers next-generation customer experiences. A former Amazon and Magic Leap executive, Hackl is a globally recognized expert on spatial computing, virtual worlds and gaming platforms strategy.


Greg Williams (WIRED UK), Cathy Hackl (Journey) and Franciscus van Meel (BMW Group) discuss immersive experiences and mobility at the DLD Munich 2024 conference.

Transforming Driveware into AI Hardware

How will spatial computing and extended reality technologies influence cars, mobility and the joy of driving? These questions lie at the heart of the DLD24 conversation between metaverse expert Cathy Hackl (Journey) and Franciscus van Meel (BMW Group), moderated by Greg Williams (WIRED UK). The discussion illustrates the potential of AI and mixed reality in…
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Innovation expert Cathy Hackl giving a talk at the DLD Munich 2024 conference. Visible behind her on a video screen is an example of spatial computing and mixed reality.

The Age of AI Hardware, Smart Glasses & Spatial Computing

The emergence of spatial computing and its implications for business and entertainment are the core topics of this engaging DLD24 presentation by futurist Cathy Hackl. A former Amazon and Magic Leap executive, Hackl has produced virtual concerts and brand activations on metaverse platforms, hosts the podcast TechMagic with Cathy Hackl and is an Apple Vision…
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Amazon CTO Werner Vogels speaks to a packed audience at the DLD Munich conference 2024

DLD Munich 2024

DLD Munich is Europe’s leading innovation conference. DLD24 brought together experts from business, science and culture. Revisit this exciting event here with talks, videos, images…
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