Barbara Bachus

Barbara Bachus is Co-Founder & COO of ExoMatter, a materials science startup that leverages AI and data-mining to speed up R&D. The ExoMatter platform helps companies like Airbus, Audi and BSH reduce their materials development CO2 footprint by up to 80%. Bachus studied economics and chemistry at the Technical University of Munich.

Deep Dive: From Landfill to Lifeline
Moderated by Niclas-Alexander Mauss (Circular Republic), this DLD Nature session brings together a panel of experts from various sectors to discuss the challenges and opportunities in transitioning to a circular economy, with a…
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DLD Nature
Why invest in nature? Get expert insights about biodiversity, climate change and high-tech solutions that can help heal the planet. Join us for DLD Nature on September 12-13, 2024, in Munich…
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