Auguste von Bayern

Profile image of zoologist Auguste von Bayern with a parrot on her shoulder


Auguste von Bayern is a zoologist who seeks to understand how animals think. Her research interests comprise innovative and flexible reasoning skills and vocal learning abilities of parrots. Auguste graduated in Zoology from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.


Biodiversity panel discussion with Martin Schaefer, Christof Schenck, Korbinian Kantenwein and Auguste von Bayern, seen from above the stage at the DLD Nature conference.

Nature Wealth: Saving Biodiversity Hotspots

This DLD Nature session highlights the critical need for immediate, collaborative efforts to preserve biodiversity hotspots through innovative financing, technology, and strong partnerships. Moderated by Auguste von Bayern (BIOTOPIA), the panel brings together…
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Nature photographer Prince Hussain Aga Khan speaks about the beauty of nature at the DLD conference in Munich. He sits at a pedestal, with a display behind him that shows a rainforest and monkey.

Biodiversity through the Lens

Nature photographer and conservationist Prince Hussain Aga Khan discusses the beauty and uniqueness of various species, from insects to marine life, and emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living beings. Drawing from personal experiences…
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From left to right: Martin Stuchtey (Landbanking Group), Auguste von Bayern (BIOTOPIA), Thomas Becker (BMW), Tim Coles, (rePLANET) and Christof Schenck (Frankfurt Zoological Society) discuss biodiversity and the value of nature at the DLD Munich Conference 2024.

The Value of Nature

“What would you pay for listening to a bird song in the morning or for going for a walk with your children through the forest?”, ecologist Auguste von Bayern asks at the beginning…
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Sandrine Dixson-Declève (Club of Rome) receives the 2024 Aenne Burda Award from DLD founder Steffi Czerny, surrounded by other well-wishers.

Aenne Burda Award Ceremony 2024

The Aenne Burda Award ceremony is an annual highlight at the DLD Munich conference. In 2024, Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President of the Club of Rome, received the prestigious award for her work on sustainability…
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Eckart von Hirschhausen (Stiftung Gesunde Erde Gesunde Menschen) and Sandrine Dixson-Declève (Club of Rome) discuss climate change and biodiversity at the DLD Munich Conference 2024.

Climate, Biodiversity & Planetary Health

Eckart von Hirschhausen, a physician turned comedian, has become an advocate for planetary health. In his entertaining and informative introduction to this DLD24 panel discussion about biodiversity and planetary health he emphasizes the…
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Bioacoustics researcher Stefan Kahl presents the BirdNET technology at DLD Circular 2023 in Munich

AI & Bioacoustics: Tracking Biodiversity with BirdNET

In this DLD talk you’ll hear about a new AI tool that can identify bird species by sound. Bioacoustics researcher Stefan Kahl is the Lead for the BirdNET project within the K. Lisa…
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Cover image collage of the DLD magazine The Promptah, second issue, showing a colorful drawing of Immanuel Kant and photos of Sarah Spiekermann, Tunde Onakoya, Gary Marcus and Holly Herndon.

The Promptah No. 2: “Dare to Know!”

The second issue of DLD’s people magazine for curious minds celebrates Immanuel Kant’s 300th birthday and explores the dawn of a new age of enlightenment.
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DLD25 graphic design

DLD Munich 2025

Europe’s leading innovation conference celebrates its 20th anniversary from January 16-18, 2025, in Munich. Find out about speakers, location details and how to attend…
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DLD Nature conference, auditorium with speakers and audience

DLD Nature

Why invest in nature? Get expert insights about biodiversity, climate change and high-tech solutions that can help heal the planet. Join us for DLD Nature on September 12-13, 2024, in Munich…
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Amazon CTO Werner Vogels speaks to a packed audience at the DLD Munich conference 2024

DLD Munich 2024

DLD24 brought together experts from business, science and culture. Revisit this exciting event here with talks, videos, images…
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